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Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Oracle Application Testing Suite (OATS): Few Tips & Tricks

OATS is a suite of applications that can be used for performance and scalability testing, functional and regression testing. It is a thin client application that runs within a web browser - so, it is easy to use the tool from anywhere as long as the web server running on the host node is accessible. Hopefully the following tips and tricks will benefit some of the users of the Oracle Application Testing Suite.
Few technical details first - OATS is a 32-bit Java application that runs in a WebLogic container (WLS) with Oracle XE database being the backend store for test session data.

[Trick] Issue : OATS software fails to install on 64-bit Windows systems
Download and install 64-bit .NET framework manually before installing the OATS software. Look for .NET framework on Microsoft's downloads website.

[Trick] Issue : OATS software fails to install on systems with large number of [virtual] CPUs
On systems with many cores/vCPUs, Oracle database in general requires large amounts of memory to be configured for SGA - so, one solution would be to allocate as much memory as required. However Oracle XE limits the memory utilization within the database to 1 GB. Besides, XE uses only one CPU even if there are multiple CPUs available on a system. Hence one workaround is to limit the number of vCPUs that the system exposes during the installation of OATS software. The steps are shown below.
Thanks to my colleague Bao Doan for providing this workaround.

[Trick] Issue : During runtime, OATS drive the load and executes the test as expected but fails to collect runtime statistics
This is another limitation of Oracle XE database. Until 10g, XE limits the maximum amount of user data in the database to 4 GB. This limit was raised to 11 GB in release Oracle 11g XE. OATS 9.x releases bundle Oracle 10g XE. To take advantage of the larger limit for data, install Oracle 11g XE manually before installing OATS software. OATS installer gives the option to use an existing installation of Oracle XE. Besides, it is not possible to have multiple Oracle XE installations on a single box anyway (that's another XE limitation).
For existing installations, one workaround is to remove old and unwanted sessions to make room for new sessions in the database. Listed below are the steps.

[Trick] Issue : Under load, there are many network timeouts with ton of sockets in TIME_WAIT state on OATS agent systems including the OATS Controller node
Tune TCP/IP parameters on Windows as shown below.
Thanks to my colleagues Dino and Vishnu for sharing this workaround.

[Trick] Issue : OATS Controller does not show any graphs or analysis reports
Install Adobe Flash Plugin and try again.

[Trick] Issue : Under load, OATS Controller stops collecting runtime statistics at some random point
Check Oracle database alert log for some clue(s). If there is an error message such as "ORA-12516: TNS:listener could not find available handler with matching protocol stack", connect to the database, query v$resource_limit view and compare the values reported under CURRENT_UTILIZATION and MAX_UTILIZATION for the resource "processes". If the current utilization is pretty close to the configured maximum value, raise the value for processes parameter in [S]PFILE.

[Tip] Balancing the load among multiple OATS agent systems
One simple way is to create a VU Agent System Group based on the available agent systems. Steps listed below.
Note that it is not possible to attach weights to the agent systems - so, it is suggested to have agent systems with similar hardware configurations in the VU Agent System Group.

[Tip] Balancing the load among multiple web servers using OATS Controller
If there are multiple web server instances running in a enterprise application deployment; and OATS software is being used to test the performance and scalability of the application, parameterizing the web server hostname and port number in OATS test script will take care of the web server load balancing problem. Of course there are many alternatives to this approach such as using a hardware load balancer, using web server Reverse Proxy etc.,

[Added on 01/19/2012]

[Tip] How-To check the available space in USERS tablespace?
Run the following on OATS Controller node:
Start -> All Programs -> Oracle Database XX Express Edition -> Run SQL Command Line
SQL> connect / as sysdba

SQL> SELECT /* + RULE */  df.tablespace_name "Tablespace",
       df.bytes / (1024 * 1024) "Size (MB)",
       SUM(fs.bytes) / (1024 * 1024) "Free (MB)",
       Nvl(Round(SUM(fs.bytes) * 100 / df.bytes),1) "% Free",
       Round((df.bytes - SUM(fs.bytes)) * 100 / df.bytes) "% Used"
  FROM dba_free_space fs,
       (SELECT tablespace_name,SUM(bytes) bytes
          FROM dba_data_files
         GROUP BY tablespace_name) df
 WHERE fs.tablespace_name (+)  = df.tablespace_name
 GROUP BY df.tablespace_name,df.bytes
SELECT /* + RULE */ df.tablespace_name tspace,
       fs.bytes / (1024 * 1024),
       SUM(df.bytes_free) / (1024 * 1024),
       Nvl(Round((SUM(fs.bytes) - df.bytes_used) * 100 / fs.bytes), 1),
       Round((SUM(fs.bytes) - df.bytes_free) * 100 / fs.bytes)
  FROM dba_temp_files fs,
       (SELECT tablespace_name,bytes_free,bytes_used
          FROM v$temp_space_header
         GROUP BY tablespace_name,bytes_free,bytes_used) df
 WHERE fs.tablespace_name (+)  = df.tablespace_name
 GROUP BY df.tablespace_name,fs.bytes,df.bytes_free,df.bytes_used
Copy/paste the above SQL code in a text file with sql extension and execute that SQL statement by calling the SQL script from SQL> command prompt. eg., assuming the above code was saved in a plain text file called chktblspcusg.sql under C:\ drive, execute the SQL script as shown below:
SQL> @C:\chktblspcusg.sql

[Added on 06/27/2012]

[Trick] Issue : An attempt to open a test script in OpenScript fails with error
'Failed to open script' has encountered a problem.
Failed to open . See error log for details.

Clicking on "Details" button provides the following clue.

The project description file (.project) for '' is missing"

In addition the title bar shows "Relocating Eclipse Projects: The project description file (.project) for XXX is missing".

Navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\osworkspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects\

Look for the directory by name "<failing_script_name>" and remove it

[Added on 08/03/2012]

[Trick] Issue: Unexpected Agent exit. Code = 51 in the middle of an OLT load test

When running a load scenario in Oracle Load Testing (OLT) that uses a databank, the scenario runs fine for some time and then all of a sudden fails with the following error: Unexpected Agent exit. Code = 51.


The following settings may alleviate the issue.
Contributors: John Snyder, Richard Barry

[Added 02/25/13]

Another colleague Dave Suri has an alternate tip to resolve the Agent 51 issue.

Edit <OATS_HOME>\agentmanager\processDescriptors\

Change the following lines:



process.debug.custom=-verbose:gc -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Xms512M 
-Xmx1536M -jrockit -Xrs -XgcPrio:deterministic -XpauseTarget=50ms 
-XX:+UseCallProfiling -XX:+UseAdaptiveFatSpin -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError 
-XXnoSystemGC -XX:+UseFastTime

See Also:


Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Solaris Tip: Resolving "statd: cannot talk to statd at <target_host>, RPC: Timed out(5)"


System log shows a bunch of RPC timed out messages such as the following:

Dec 13 09:23:23 gil08 last message repeated 1 time
Dec 13 09:29:14 gil08 statd[19858]: [ID 766906 daemon.warning] statd: cannot talk to statd at ssc23, RPC: Timed out(5)
Dec 13 09:35:05 gil08 last message repeated 1 time
Dec 13 09:40:56 gil08 statd[19858]: [ID 766906 daemon.warning] statd: cannot talk to statd at ssc23, RPC: Timed out(5)

Those messages are the result of an apparent communication failure between the status daemons (statd) of both local and remote hosts using RPC calls.


If the target_host is reachable, execute the following to stop the system from generating those warning messages --- stop the network status monitor, remove the target host entry from /var/statmon/sm.bak file and start the network status monitor process. Removing the target host entry from sm.bak file keeps that machine from being aware that it may have to participate in locking recovery.


# ps -eaf | fgrep statd 
  daemon 14304 19622   0 09:47:16 ?           0:00 /usr/lib/nfs/statd
    root 14314 14297   0 09:48:03 pts/15      0:00 fgrep statd

# svcs -a | grep "nfs/status"
online          9:52:41 svc:/network/nfs/status:default

# svcadm -v disable nfs/status
svc:/network/nfs/status:default disabled.

# ls /var/statmon/sm.bak

# rm /var/statmon/sm.bak/ssc23

# svcadm -v enable nfs/status
svc:/network/nfs/status:default enabled.



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