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Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Solaris/S1S9: Scope of Symbols - I :: Source files

[Updated: 04/07/2006] Much accurate information is available in a better format at:
Reducing Symbol Scope with Sun Studio C/C++

bpte4500s001:/sunbuild1/giri/testcases/symbol-hiding/%which CC
bpte4500s001:/sunbuild1/giri/testcases/symbol-hiding/%CC -V
CC: Sun C++ 5.6 d-iteam 2004/06/09
bpte4500s001:/sunbuild1/giri/testcases/symbol-hiding/%ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 build engr 215 Sep 14 15:59 hidden.c
-rw-r--r-- 1 build engr 63 Sep 14 15:58 hidden.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 build engr 281 Sep 14 16:03 driver.c
bpte4500s001:/sunbuild1/giri/testcases/symbol-hiding/%cat hidden.h
char *lastname(char *);
int agefunc();
char firstchar(char *);
bpte4500s001:/sunbuild1/giri/testcases/symbol-hiding/%cat hidden.c
#include "hidden.h"

int age = 25;

char *lastname(char *firstname)
return ((char *)"mandalika");
} //lastname

char firstchar(char *strings)
return (*strings);
} // firstchar

int agefunc()
age = 25;
return (age);
} // agefunc
bpte4500s001:/sunbuild1/giri/testcases/symbol-hiding/%cat driver.c
#include "hidden.h"

int main()
char *lname, first;
int age = 0;

lname = lastname((char *)"Giri");
printf("\nlname = %s", lname);

age = agefunc();
printf("\nage = %d", age);

first = firstchar((char *)"chakry");
printf("\nfirst char = %c\n", first);

return (0);
} // main()

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